The City is Stumbling, Deliciously

The City is Stumbling, Deliciously
Coloured pencil on MDF with dictionary pages

Thursday 7 February 2013

Blooming Marvellous!

Well, we are now well and truly settled into the New Year, and I don't know about you but I'm desperate for Spring to burst into bloom and fell some warmth in that sun of ours!
When finally we get to February (which seems to take AGES!), I do feel the plants and bulbs itching to pop out of the ground, and now, the other thing which is bursting into bloom, is me! I am 19 weeks pregnant, and very, very excited!
Mother and Child. (part of a triptych)

I was demonstrating my Fractured technique at Virginia Water Art Society last night, and we were discussing pregnancy and art. Do the hormones which are racing around my system alter my creativity? Does the choice of subject change, or the colour scheme? It got me thinking.....and I thought, I wonder how interesting it would be to do a sketch, drawing/painting, every day from now, until the birth day?
My lovely husband bought me, for our Anniversary, a beautiful leather bound sketchbook. Seeing as I have this, gorgeous red book, it would seem rude not to use it!
My leather sketchbook, waiting to be filled!

I will post my drawings one a week, as every day might be a bit ambitious (and along with a full time job, a 5 year old and preparing the nursery time will be of the essence!)
It will be intriguing to see what I do!

The Three Swimmers- Virginia Water demo piece
Other things that are happening are submissions for exhibitions and competitions. I love this time of year as you really can do 'what you want', unless of course there is a theme!
I am yet again attempting to get work accepted into the very difficult Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. There are so many entrants, and a very strict/unpredictable judging panel. This is what I have decided to enter, it is relatively small and a watercolour, but quite contemporary.
A town like Valparaiso
I will be back soon! The Pregnancy and Art project will now begin!