The City is Stumbling, Deliciously

The City is Stumbling, Deliciously
Coloured pencil on MDF with dictionary pages

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Sorry it's been so long!

I believe Blogger has had some problems in the last couple of weeks, and managed to lose 3 hours work on here! I think it's back now, so let's try again!
Once again, times are busy....just how I like it.
I have had a couple of exhibitions, both local. One was in Weybridge at the beginning of this month, and one before that at Oxshott Art and Craft Society. I gained a Highly Commended for my coloured pencil drawing The Cutlery Drawer.
And this was the set up for the Weybridge show.....
Footfall was low, due to the wonderful weather, however I did sell a tulip lino cut, which I believe is being sent across the pond to the USA. Nice to know I'm going far and wide!!

On Thursday 19th May I was fortunate enough to have an invite to attend Parliament! I am a member of the Crohns and Colitis Association and I donated some artwork to them as a thank you, for their reports and publicity. I wanted to evoke a feeling of isolation and pain when suffering with this disease within the workplace. This is the painting I came up with.
The reason I was invited to Westminster, was that I was informed that my work was used on a big report about IBD in the workplace. This was being presented at a launch to Parliament by Lord Prescott. Carrie Grant (Fame Academy and voice coach) was also there as she is an ambassador for the NACC. She also, like me suffers from Crohn's Disease. I was fortunate enough to meet them, as well as Lord Prescott's daughter in law Roz, who was really lovely! Here is a photo I took of them holding up the report. I am also hoping Prescott's son will send me a photo of me and John Prescott too! Let's hope he remembers!
Lord Prescott, Carrie Grant, Roz Prescott and David Grant.

My last bit of news was my appearance in Artist and Illustrators Magazine....well, on an advert at least kindly used by Derwent. All good publicity eh?!