The City is Stumbling, Deliciously

The City is Stumbling, Deliciously
Coloured pencil on MDF with dictionary pages

Monday, 26 April 2010

Oxshott Art and Craft Society Exhibition

The Oxshott exhibition was a great success for all who took part, takings were up and footfall was also up, depsite the wonderful weather keeping everyone outside!!
I had 8 paintings in the show, and was very chuffed to recieve an award for 'Best Depiction of Oxshott Woods'. The painting was completed in chalk pastel and is 21 x 25 inches.
I also did a demonstration on the Saturday of my Fractured work. Creating a sunflower painting, again in chalk pastel on a sanded paper, which holds the pastel really nicely.
I had alot of lovely comments and enjoyed it immensley.